Friday January 31, 2025 1:55pm - 2:55pm PST
Providing differentiation for advanced learners is often overlooked in our trainings; we know how to scaffold down, but what do we do with students who come to us already able to meet our standards? How do we keep from ignoring the 'middle-child' who is on track but working at a slightly different pace from their peers?

While this sounds like creating three different lesson plans, the reality is that we can take the same lesson and think about what comes next for our students, which is directly related to the 'why do we need to know this?' question we so often field. Once we reframe our questions, we can easily provide students the tools and supports they need to engage with material and understand how it applies outside of the four walls of our classrooms.

Please bring materials for a current unit
Friday January 31, 2025 1:55pm - 2:55pm PST
Main 143 1235 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

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